The online course to leverage sales psychology and the buyer's journey to create a 30 day content strategy that leads to dream clients out of nowhere!



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Everyone and their mother is talking about

attraction marketing

...about how it's the easiest way to sign clients with the least amount of work.

Scrolling and seeing everyone's creative content ideas and judging yourself for not having a creative bone in your body
Staring at a blank computer screen for hours on end, knowing that if you write all of your content for the week ahead you won't have to worry about it... but feeling frustrated because you have no idea what to write to make a sale

Finding it hard to believe that content alone could bring you clients because literally NO ONE reaches out to you about your offers

Starting the week really excited about your content and the opportunity to land your next client... only to see your story views decline, your posts get little engagement, no clients signed... and by Thursday you're ready to throw in the towel and try again for consistency next week 

Watching the clock hit 6PM on a Tuesday and realizing you haven't posted on Instagram all day... the guilt sets in, so you throw something together quickly... you don't feel great about it and you have a feeling your followers don't totally love it either  

Sitting and waiting for people to hire you... wondering if you'll have to resort to sending hundreds of DMs before you ever start attracting clients through your content 

Help ME!

But while everyone seemingly posts once and magically sells out their offers, you're stuck...

the results

i want this!

You didn't have to spend every week

what if instead

what if...

wondering what post to land clients?

All your content was scheduled for the month so instead of spending every Sunday staring at your computer, you actually indulge in a full self-care day? 

During your lunch break, you heard the PING of your Instagram notifications... it's 5 new potential cients in your DMs asking, "How do I work with you?" after your last scheduled post went live?

In the middle of a launch, instead of wondering if you should give up, you KNEW if you stuck to your content strategy your dream clients would come and the next thing you know you're selling out your offer 4 hours before doors close?

When people ask you about your competition you said, "Who?" because you NEVER scroll to look for "inspiration" or to compare yourself to everyone else?

 Every single time you posted, you didn't just have people wanting to work with you but a whole community of people who agreed with what you said and were excited to see what you posted next?

 You were so excited for your next scheduled reel to drop because you couldn't stop dying of laughter last month you when created that content GOLD?

I want that




The online course to leverage sales psychology and the buyer's journey to create a 30 day content strategy that leads to dream clients out of nowhere!

week 01

the offer breakdown

Learn how to break down your unique offer in a repeatable process that allows you to create content for the 4 buyer types and use the ONE content writing technique that has taken Ashley's clients from no sales calls to sold out programs

week 02


Learn how to break down your ideal client's decision-making process so you can guide your new followers from "Who's this?" to "Heck yes, I'm in!" using Ashley's 3-part content mapping strategy.

week 03

your content plan

Learn how to create your unique content plan and map out a month's worth of content, leveraging the previous week's teachings, in a single 60-minute session. We dive into post frequency, aligning posts with sales goals, choosing the type of content and MORE!

week 04

your converting copy

Learn how to spot trends, create viral videos and write captions and copy that ACTUALLY encourage your dream clients to take action. We are touching on MAJOR sales psychology moves you need to include in your content if you want to increase your client conversion rate. This is where you learn how to write and schedule a month's worth of content in less than a week! 

count me in!

when you join us you recieve

show me how!

4 60 - 90 Minute Training Videos

Access to a Private FB Group archive

Templates, resources and worksheets to guide your content creation process

the results


A strategy designed to guide brand new followers to yes, leveraging your customer's unique buyer's journey and sales psychology

A plan to strategically align your content ideas with your sales goals on repeat

A 4-step method to map out, write and record 30 days worth of strategic content in less than a week

More content ideas than you know what to do with just in the first week* 


sign me up!



the lesson plans

lesson overview


Learn a repeatable process to break down any product, service or program into digestible pieces that make sense for content

Understand the 4 types of buyers and how to make our offers appeal to each of them 

Use the ONE content writing technique that has taken Ashley's clients from crickets to sold out programs

count me in!

lesson overview


Understand the 3 phases any customer goes through before they make a decision to purchase something

Learn how to break you offer down into those 3 decision making categories to guide your followers to yes just through your content

Understand a mind mapping strategy to create endless amounts of content ideas that relate to your customer's decision making process

lesson overview


Learn how to take all of your content ideas and map them out into a 30-day content converting content plan

Understand how to align post with sales goals

Learn how often to post to get the results you're looking for 

Learn how to pick what style of content is the best to post based on your business, ideal client and goals

lesson overview


Learn 11 marketing and sales psychology strategies to write content that converts followers into clients

Understand how to spot trends, create viral videos, and write captions that people actually want to read and take action on

Implement your content strategy to write and schedule your 30-day content plan


Let's talk

pay in full & save

paid in full

Let's Do this!




Let's Do this!


Ashley Mielke

meet your coach

When I first started my business, I didn't go through the huge struggle of trying to figure out what to post to land clients.

In my first week as a coach looking for paying clients I...

🔥 Booked 5 discovery calls
🔥 Landed 3 clients (2 with NO objections)
🔥 Worked a dream client through a money objection
🔥 Facilitated major breakthroughs
🔥 Pulled actual money into my business

And I'm sure if you've been struggling with your content, you're thinking, "How????"

Short answer? I posted and the people came.

Long answer? I used the strategies the Fortune 500 companies I used to work for use - sales psychology, consumer behavior and the buyer's journey. 

I didn't rely on the "norms" of social media or what "gurus" were telling me to do.

I used my degree in marketing and the several college classes I took on sales psychology and consumer behavior to avoid the "I only post value" phase of business and get to the heart of what my dream clients cared about most - solving their problems.

I knew to land clients I had to guide brand new followers through their decision making process using their buying journey with a hint of sales psychology that drove action.

The first week I started posting about my offer, someone found me through a post that made it to their explore page, read through a couple of my posts, decided to watch me while I was live and then DMd me to book a session!

All exactly as planned... all drive by powerful psychology tools like curiosity, loss aversion, FOMO, storytelling and more that I want to teach YOU how to use.

Since then, I've built a multiple 6-figure business leveraging my content to drive massive sales and connection with my audience. 

On top of all the strategy, my content is written and scheduled 30 days out so I can spend more time making sales and less time wondering what I'm going to post!

 Want to head into the end of the year with a content strategy that makes new followers enroll in your offers in 48 hours or less? 

Maybe have all of your November content written so you can actually enjoy the holidays?

sign me up!

Got Questions?

We got answers

What happens after I submit my payment?

You'll receive a confirmation email with instant access to the training library.

How much does this program cost?

What level of business should I be at?

Because the nature of this program is to help you build out a 30-day content plan that converts followers into clients, it doesn't matter if you've never signed a client or you're operating a 7-figure business. No matter where you're at in business, this program is going to help you learn consumer behavior, sales psychology and decision making processes that create the content you need to land clients through social media posts.

What's the time commitment?

I just need 60 minutes of your time every week for 4 weeks to help you learn the info you need and workshop your content ideas!

By the end of this program, you'll save yourself SO MUCH TIME in the future, because you'll know how to create a months worth of content in a week or less on REPEAT.

Can ashley help me with this?